Healthy Pet food - Puppy is a complete and balanced food with over 20 nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, which provides a perfect balance of nutrition and is fortified with herbs for additional health benefits for puppies.
Key Features:
- Complete and Balanced Diet - Himalaya Healthy Puppy food contains superior natural ingredients fortified with herbs which makes it a complete and balanced diet for growing puppies.
- Improves Liver Function & Metabolism - This diet for little tail-waggers is enriched with Ailanthus excelsa (Tree of heaven) which improves liver function & metabolism.
- Good for Digestion, Immunity & Skin - This food has additionally Carica papaya that helps release digestive enzymes, Piper nigrum (black pepper) that supports immunity by enhancing efficiency on nutrients & vena Sativa (Oats) known for maintaining good skin health.
- Overall development for Puppies - This feed contains animal protein, fats, vegetables and apt amount of fibre that helps and supports over all development of puppies, who are 1-18 months of age.
Country of Origin: India
Manufactured and Packaged by: The Himalaya Drug Company Plot No 60, Somapura Industrial Area, 1st Stage, Dabaspet, Nelamangala Taluk, Bengaluru-562111
Sold by: The Himalaya Drug Company Plot No 60, Somapura Industrial Area, 1st Stage, Dabaspet, Nelamangala Taluk, Bengaluru-562111