
The beautiful monsoon drizzles are here after a lengthy hot summer. The showers now and then keep the weather chilly. Every view our eyes witness is green and fresh while the air containing the refreshing and addicting smell of the wet mud smitten us. This picture-perfect weather is a joyride for us and our pets.Ā 

But ever so often, we get a surprise of raining cats and dogs(not literally!), which can be a little problematic. The season also brings a set of other problems that can make our fur babies vulnerable to various skin problems, infections, diseases, and pests.

We know this fabulous yet unpredictable weather like any other, has pros and cons, although we can tilt this balance towards pros by adjusting our and our furry friendā€™s lifestyle around it. In this blog, we will discuss some basic ways you can take better care of your pet.Ā 

  • Keep them Dry

If you decide to take your pet on any rainy adventures, prepare them to make their experience safe and comfortable from head to toe with waterproof raincoats or umbrellas to keep their fur and coat dry and shoes to keep infections away. It is crucial to keep them dry at all times as the moisture content during the rainy season is at an all-time high, which is a risk to your pet's health.Ā 

While taking your pet on walks, use reflective leashes and harnesses for improved visibility as it tends to get dark much early as you can easily avoid accidents.

  • Maintain good Hygiene

When you come back home from walks with your fur baby, dry them thoroughly with an absorbent towel or a blow dryer(safely) to keep moisture and infections away from them. Donā€™t forget to clean their paws with a towel and warm water mixed with some anti-fungal solution.Ā 

Drying your pet is also important to keep the odor away, as damp coats make your pet smell foul. One of the other ways to keep the stink away from your pet is to use dog powder and dog deodorants.

Bathe your pets only once or twice a month, as they can catch a cold with excessive time in the water, and dry them immediately after every shower. If possible, bathe them with warm water and anti-fungal shampoos like Erina Ep shampoo or Ridd, especially if you live in the city, as the rain can be acidic, which might damage your petā€™s fur and cause skin infections.Ā 

Donā€™t let your pet sleep on cold floors. If they want to sleep at a specific spot, put their bed there and give them blankets for extra warmth and coziness, as the chilled floors can hurt your petā€™s joints.Ā 

During Monsoon, designate a peeing area for your pet indoors so they do not have to wait too long for pee breaks when it's raining outside.Ā 

  • Regular grooming

Brush your petā€™s fur regularly to avoid tangles, mats, and knots, which can be painful for them. Clean your petā€™s ears, eyes, and paws with a towel and warm water, and trim their nails frequently.Ā  Book regular grooming appointments with professional groomers who can make your pet comfortable during the season. They will take the best care of their fur-related issues, make the much-needed trims around their paws, eyes, and ears, and calmly trim their nails.Ā 

  • Monsoon Meals

Feeding your pet light and nutritious food is essential, as tummy upsets are common during this weather. Walks are your petā€™s exercise, and as your pet isnā€™t able to go out for a walk due to heavy rain, which means low activity, they can end up with irritable bowels.Ā Ā 

You should add low-calorie, natural fiber-rich food like sweet potato, pumpkin, and wheat bran to your petā€™s diet. However, you should avoid giving your pet too much fiber as it can cause bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, and constipation.Ā 

Some pets may even appreciate warm meals in a cold environment. And watch your petā€™s weight, as lack of activity and a full meal may make your pet overweight.

It is also suggested to give your pet freshly prepared food. Be sure the food doesnā€™t lie around in the out for too long.Ā 

  • Keep them busy indoors.

It is crucial to make your pet exercise regularly due to the lack of walkies. Just like you, your pet might feel sluggish because of the cozy weather, but it is your responsibility to make them move around as it will make them feel better and active.Ā 

Make your pet play with toys and puzzles that provide mental stimulation. Play ā€˜hide and seekā€™ with them, hide treats for them for a ā€˜scavenger huntā€™, and walk/ run those stairs with them if you stay in an apartment. Keep your fur baby happy and active although they might seem reluctant at first, they will be delighted with the activities.Ā Ā 

You should make sure the floors are dry while playing with your pet, as running on slippery floors can do more harm than good to your little angel.

  • Help them tackle the fear of thunderstorms.

Animals tend to get terrified by thunderstorms, and they tend to get anxious. It is best to keep them indoors during this time. Keep the windows shut tight to minimize the sound. Make a safe space for your pet to feel comfortable in, and be there for them. Try distracting them with their favorite games and activities. Make sure not to yell at them if they start barking due to their anxiousness.Ā 

There is a possibility that your pet might jump away if they get too scared, so it is crucial to get them a collar with their name tag and contact details so that even if you lose them, you have a better chance of reuniting with them.

  • Protect them from Water-borne diseases.

Your pet may avoid drinking water due to the cold weather, which is unhealthy for them. We know you always give them clean water, but you should be extra cautious during this season as water-borne diseases can be easily transmitted. Give your pet a constant supply of extra-clean drinking water that has been boiled, filtered, and cooled down.

While walking your pet, avoid potholes and stagnant water bodies as they are breeding places for water-borne diseases and infections and are transmitted easily through your petā€™s paws. Avoiding the infection spread through the paws by making your beloved fur baby shoes created for them is easier.

  • Check for ticks & fleas.

Ticks and fleas work double shifts during the season because of the humid weather conditions. They latch on to your pet at any given opportunity and transmit diseases. So, while taking your pet outdoors, it is essential to steer your pet away from tall grasses, wet leaf piles, and areas of dense vegetation, which are home to these pesky pests. Use anti-tick shampoos, sprays, powders like Erina Ep powder, and collars as a preventative measure.Ā 

Keep your pet's sleeping area clean and dry, as they too can cause your pets to get pests. It is crucial to keep an eye on your pet's fur and coat for any signs of ticks and run a flea comb through their fur as a safe measure now and then.Ā 

  • Visit the vet

Deworming your pets during the monsoon is necessary as they get susceptible to worms that can harm their health. So, it is crucial to check with your veterinarian about deworming your furry friend, as they will administer the deworming tablets/ vaccine needed. It is mandatory to regularly vaccinate your pet as they protect them from harmful infections.

When it comes to your petā€™s health, your veterinarian gives you the best advice on it. So, while making any changes in your petā€™s daily life, it is significant to check with their veterinarian first.Ā Ā 

  • Do your part to the community.

We know you love your pets and are always there to care for them. But we also know that in the community around us, fur babies crave the care and affection you give to your pet. Alas! Even if we want to, we cannot care for all of them, but you can do your part to ensure some of them remain safe in this crazy weather.Ā 

You can help the homeless animals by maintaining a clean environment in and around your area. You can get permission to make a few temporary shelters for them by using clothes, plastic sheets, plastic crates, and cardboard boxes. You can help the fur babies more by keeping some clean and boiled water out for them to drink. During the monsoons, it is difficult for innocent animals to find food, and it would be a great help for them if you could keep some dog food or leftovers in waterproof containers.Ā 

Avoid giving the homeless animals items that arenā€™t safe for them, such as chocolate, garlic, onion, avocado, grapes, or spicy food. If you see any injured animals you cannot help, you should contact animal rescuers and NGOs immediately.
